The Show Must Go On


It’s the end of Week 1 at Bush Theatre and we have named our show.


“What is a show?”

“It’s a story you want to tell. To one person and the whole world”

Today we’ve begun our devising process collaborating with Arti and her SpareTyre team.

“What makes a good show?”

“Energy and commitment”

We begin by singing our favourite song, as group, as equals. Singing each word like we mean it.

We move around the room, giving everyone eye contact. We hide behind our hands and in the gaps between the walls, we reveal ourselves with a big hello or peep from behind the back of the chair.

Our stories are beginning to unravel and our characters are layered like onions.

We climb into the picture frame and set the scene of a picnic and a power struggle.

“What are you thinking?”

“Thinking about someone maybe. It’s a secret”

We enjoy the ritual of the rehearsal space.

We end our session as we aim to begin. Committed and focused.

“The show must go on.”