Reviews of LAMDA's first ever relaxed perfromance by members of the TNG Collective
Photo of LAMDA’s production of Little Shop Of Horrors directed by Josh Seymour
Photograph by Sam Taylor
“This week I went to the theatre along with the other members of the TNG Collective. I only go to the theatre once in a blue moon. It was in Hammersmith at a place called LAMDA. It’s a college, but it doesn’t say it’s a college when you come in. I didn’t know it was there before. It was my first time in the building. The people were nice there and it felt spacious. The show we saw was The Little Shop Of Horrors . I felt relaxed watching the show and there were babies in the audience and that’s cool because they probably enjoyed the show as well! There was woman playing the part of the plant and she grew out the ground. The singing was lovely and Seymour was my favourite. He was a good actor. The dentist character was a bit odd, a bit scary. It was very funny when he couldn’t take the mask off his face. I found the show exciting, I’d never seen the show before so it was all new to me. I’d like to go again to LAMDA, maybe next time to see a detective show.” - Tara, Member of the TNG Collective
“5 Stars! The relaxed show was very welcoming and accessible. We felt everyone had permission to react to the show however they wanted. The story was gripping. All the characters were very interesting. I didn’t once nod off to sleep! The plant’s entrance totally scared me when it rose up from the trap door. I thought at that point Martin was going to jump out of skin and out of the theatre! I really liked how all the characters developed throughout the story, Seymour’s timid behaviour became more confident. His transformation was fun to watch! I would like to go to more shows at LAMDA (if they’ll have me)!” - Faisal, Member of the TNG Collective
“I haven’t been to theatre before with the group so this was my first ever time to be asked to go to the theatre with them. I found it all new but I got into the group and I found it really good and great. All the people are so nice to me. The play was good. I liked all the actors, they did a great job. I really liked the part with the Dentist talking to Audrey. I wasn’t wild on the music, it was a bit scary, but the actors did an AMAZING job. I really liked Audrey’s acting on the floor before she was eaten by the plant. It was absolutely amazing!” - Emma, Member of the TNG Collective