Week #7 - Card Playing is a Serious Game




Catherine enjoys playing cards at home. 

This week, Nathalie bought in a set of playing cards and asked Catherine to teach her a few games. 

Catherine shuffled the cards and played some tricks. 

'Go on, Pick it up.' 

Catherine placed the jokers aside. 

'Jokers are not good.'  Card playing is a very serious game. 

First we played Go Fish.

Nathalie thought it was a bit like Happy Families but in this case Happy Pairs

We're a pair.

'Do you have a queen?'


Nathalie dips into the pack of cards.

'That's it, you got it!

Onto the next game. Catherine methodically places the cards in rows on the table.  

'Ahh yes, I think this game is called Concentration.'

'You know what I'm saying. Come on. Fast as you can.

Next on the cards is Patience

Catherine lays down her foundations.

Nathalie watches and learns. The king is always the top of the heap. 

To finish off, a quick game of Black Jack.

The game was fast and furious. 

Knock Knock on the table, Catherine's last card. 

Our session ended with a celebratory conga line. The two of us together. 

This is a reflective diary following Catherine and Nathalie's creative exchange exploring how performance can promote equality between artists with and without learning disabilities.

Nathalie Carrington